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Recap of the Day One Workshop: Exploring Sustainable Packaging Solutions for the F&B Industry

July 9, 2024

The workshop "Going Plastic-free Globally • Craving new Ideas for the F&B Industry" was successfully held with the support of various parties. We invited experts from different fields to discuss how the F&B industry can reduce its carbon footprint through sustainable packaging to tackle climate change.

Allowing all participants to delve deeper into the global discussions on eliminating plastic use to address climate change, Mr. Kwok Hiu Chung from the CarbonCare InnoLab introduced the latest trends in food packaging, including paper-based packaging and compostable materials, and explained the relevant regulations and environmental considerations for the F&B industry in sustainable packaging.

A highlight of the day was having 2 Maxim’s representatives, Ms. Annie Chan - Head of Non-Food Procurement & Sustainability, and Mr. Thomas Fan - Head of Quick Service Restaurants, share their operation experience as well as the scoring criteria and requirements of the competition, emphasizing the key factors to consider when designing sustainable food packaging.

To conclude the day's activities, the participants went on a site visit under the guidance of Professor Wu and Maxim’s representatives to understand the restaurant's plastic reduction policies and collect customer feedback, bringing the workshop to a successful close.

Through the day-one workshop, the participants have grasped the key sustainability issues in the industry, we look forward to seeing creative and practical design ideas in the competition.